One and Only

We strive to create unique, one-of-a-kind pieces of art. This adds to the wonder, awe and uniqueness of our glass because it is truly impossible for any two pieces to be exactly the same.

Perfect Gift

Each Kitras piece comes with a unique story. Gift-givers will be able to find a sentiment for every occasion.

Key Features

The majority of our glass is made of recycled glass. You won’t just be receiving a beautiful, unique piece of art, you’ll also be helping the planet with your transformed recycled glass.

Our Collection

Don't live local?

Make your own ornament

For our American customers! Embark on a virtual journey designing your own unique, one-of-a-kind calico ball! Once you’ve designed your piece, we’ll make it at our Canadian studio and ship it directly to your home. Live in Canada? Contact us at for assistance.

Customer Story
Customer Story
"I was worried that it wasn't large enough but when I saw it and the colours, I was thrilled. It is Just Beautiful."
- Jo-Anne G., website review of Glass Pumpkin
01 - 05
Customer Story
"When I unwrapped my Tree of Autumn globe I knew immediately that it was money well spent. The globe is just stunning and immediately transports you back to your childhood days when playing in big piles of fallen leaves of Autumn. The colors are breathtaking ! It’s not only a magnificent piece of art glass but it’s pure MAGiC!!!"
- M. Donovan, website review of Tree of Autumn
02 - 05
Customer Story
"The candy canes are beautiful. Obviously drawn to individuals' favorite color pallet, but all are beautiful in there own way. Family will be selecting one from the tree after gift opening to take home with them. Would definitely recommend."
- Robert L., website review of Candy Canes
03 - 05
Customer Story
"I bought [a Holiday Calico Ball] as a gift for my mother; she was very happy and impressed with the quality. We get her glass ornaments a lot, usually for the Christmas Tree, but this one was a Mother's Day gift. She praised the color, clarity and weight of these in comparison to some of the others we've gotten her in the past."
- A. Phillips, website review of Holiday Calico Ball
04 - 05
Customer Story
"I love my pumpkins! They make a great hostess gift for thanksgiving dinner or a fall birthday!"
- Beth Cartlidge on Facebook
05 - 05


The story of our collaboration with Wattle&Loop

If the last two years have taught us anything it’s that you can’t neglect self-care and every once in a while, you need to find a project that’s all your own! That’s why we dedicated our time to creating a beautiful and innovative hands-on project for you...

The Perfect Pumpkin Tablescape

These shorter days and beautiful natural colours are giving us all of the fall feels. What better way to celebrate Autumn than with a stunning glass pumpkin tablescape. Kitras has seven different colours of pumpkins in three different sizes to help you create a warm and cozy display for your dining room or coffee table.

The story of the Four Seasons

There is a time for everything and everything has a time. There is no greater example of this than the rhythm and predictability of the four seasons...
