There is a time for everything and everything has a time. There is no greater example of this than the rhythm and predictability of the four seasons.

This year we are excited to focus on the four seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter - each for their own beauty and the feelings they evoke.

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of our Tree of Enchantment collection, we choose to acknowledge these originals, the four seasons. It seems appropriate to really celebrate the orbs that started it all with new stories to reflect the grandeur and unique features of each season.

When we first created these Trees of Enchantment, our beloved storytelling wasn’t the focus it has come to be. To mark two decades of Tree of Enchantment love Sophie has re-written each of the four seasons stories to reflect on how each of us is a gardener in our own way.  Each story focuses on the unique qualities of its season, both literally and figurately, and the role those qualities play in shaping each of us into beautiful individuals. The stories also acknowledge the collective experience we all participate in year after year through the continuity and rhythm of the changing seasons.

We hope you enjoy these new stories and the wonderful rejuvenation of the Four Seasons Tree of Enchantment collection.

The stories:                                                                 


Tree of Spring

We are the gardeners of our lives and we tend to our lives like careful gardeners - sowing seeds of hope, plowing new rows ahead with courage, cultivating relationships and having faith that our efforts will reflect our plans. And as trees stretch and the flowers bloom, an awakening unfolds and our gardens and lives begin to reflect all the possibilities of our new starts, that we began in earnest so long ago. The season of Spring is a desire for beauty, warmth and love in our lives and in the world around us. The Tree of Spring shows us that what we start with hope, will blossom and expand with love.


Tree of Summer

We are the gardeners of our lives and we tend to our lives like joyful gardeners - delighting in the shapes, sizes and colours of the flowers, feeling the hum of the insects and being present to life happening all around. And as we soak in the long days and the soft light - we find a way of being in our gardens and lives that allows us to treasure every seed, scent, bloom and friendship for what they are right now, in this moment. The season of Summer is a desire for happiness, intention and connection within our hearts and with those we love. The Tree of Summer shows us that when we are present to the moment, we can open our hearts fully and be content.


Tree of Autumn

We are the gardeners of our lives and we tend to our gardens like grateful gardeners - fulfilled in the hard work of the past, sharing in the abundance and contemplating with excitement what will be next. And as we share our time, harvests and gifts with those around us we find a wholeness and sense of belonging that allows us to walk with others in kindness, gratitude and love. The season of Autumn is a desire for abundance, community and a celebration of where we have been, where we are and where we are going. The Tree of Autumn shows us that it is best when our efforts are shared and nurtured in community.


Tree of Winter

We are the gardeners of our lives and we tend to our lives like a peaceful gardener - resting in the quiet, finding warmth in simple pleasures and finding patience in making plans. And as we rest like the flower bulbs buried under the snow, we know that when the time is right, we will burst forth with new energy, passion and light to bring goodness into our friendships and communities. The season of Winter is a desire for reflection, stillness and a deepening of the relationships with those we love and care for. The Tree of Winter shows us that times of rest and introspection bring forth renewal and the knowledge that life’s best warmth comes from cultivating love, friendship and family.

Explore the Four Seasons HERE